Deadlands Reloaded Harrowed Coup Ability

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  1. Deadlands Reloaded Harrowed Coup Ability Points
  2. Deadlands Reloaded Harrowed Coup Ability Level
  1. Some Harrowed are able to interfere with a huckster's hex-casting ability. Deadlands reloaded harrowed coup ability. One of my player's bravely defeated the abomination found in the Shape of Things adventure in the Worm Turns plot point campaign. The abomination is a lot of tentacles and teeth and eyes, can fit through most spaces, and is.
  2. Some Harrowed are able to interfere with a huckster's hex-casting ability. Deadlands reloaded harrowed coup ability. One of my player's bravely defeated the abomination found in the Shape of Things adventure in the Worm Turns plot point campaign. The abomination is a lot of tentacles and teeth and eyes, can fit through most spaces, and is.
  3. The Guilds The Collegia Origins Like Attracts Like The First Great Maelstrom The War of the Guilds The Coup Life. Their ability to manipulate memories.
Howdy ya'll!
I've posted parts of this before, but here's the first version of my Savage Hucksters netbook. Soon to be a pdf for your reading ease and use! All comments, balance thoughts, gripes, rants, and flames are welcome!
Savage Hucksters
By Willow Palecek
New Rules:
Learning a New Hex:
Normally, all a Huckster has to do to learn a new hex is to take the Additional Powers edge. This optional rule makes life more interesting. Most hucksters learn their spells out of Hoyle's Book of Games, the definitive tome on Hexslinging. The powers in Deadlands: Reloaded tend to come to them easily enough. To learn a power not in the main sourcebook, the character must study a copy of Hoyle's book for a day, then make a Knowledge: Occult roll. This suffers a -2 penalty for each rank of the desired new power, and an additional -2 if the trappings the huckster desires are particularly powerful or inconspicuous. On a success, the huckster is able to learn the desired hex (after spending the appropriate edge.) On a failure, the huckster will have to find another source.
Older copies of Hoyle's are better. For every full 20 years of age the text has, it confers a +1 bonus to any Knowledge: Occult roll to learn hexes.
Some texts are floating around that describe one specific hex. These only require a Knowledge: Occult roll with no penalties to decipher.
Learning to be a Huckster:
New hucksters have to come from somewhere! What they'll need is a tutor or a copy of Hoyle's book of games, preferably both. Each month of study allows the character to make a Knowledge: Occult roll. At the Marshall's discretion, the roll is at +2 if the tutor or copy of Hoyle's is particularly good. Once the roll is successful, the character may take the Arcane Background: Huckster edge, but only gains one power, and must roll Spellcasting untrained to cast it. When the character gains Spellcasting at d4 the second hex is learned, and the third one is learned when the Spellcasting skill reaches d6.
The spiritual codes and discipline required by Blessed, Shamans, and Voodooists prevent them from becoming hucksters. Mad Scientists can study how to become Hucksters, and are the most likely candidates to want to do so. Martial Artists can also gain the arcane background.
A character with two arcane backgrounds determines their powers and power points for each background separately. The New Powers edge and Additional Power points only grants the power for one background or the other. Each power recharges independently, however the Rapid Recharge edge affects both arcane backgrounds.
Alternate Hexslingin' Rules:
Casting a Hex: When casting a hex, the Huckster does not determine in advance how many power points the hex requires. The hand drawn determines the power points available, which the Huckster can use to power duration, effects, etc. If the Huckster does not meet the absolute minimum hand for the hex, nothing happens.
While this makes it easier for Hucksters to get good effects, watch out! The flip side is that a huckster MUST use any jokers he draws in his final hand. He can't choose to set them aside and avoid backlash. He also can't use the Dealer's Choice edge to discard a Joker when drawing cards to cast a Hex.
In the event of any Backlash, even from rolling a 1 on the skill die, draw a card and use this chart. For many of these Backlashes, the hex still succeeds, but that's not always a good thing!
Expanded Backlash Table:
Deuce: Irritation
Some minor inconvienence is triggered by the manitou.
Clubs: Hex fails. Nothing else.
Diamonds: Hex suceeds, but huckster loses a power point.
Hearts: Hex suceeds, but the huckster is Shaken.
Spades: Hex suceeds, but the manitou is able to give the local fearmongers just a touch of extra power. The Marshall draws a chip.
Three: Reduced Effectiveness
The hex works, just not as well as the huckster had hoped.
Clubs: Reduced quality: Reduce the hand rank by two hands. (This can cause the Hex to not work if it falls below Ace, or the new hand doesn't provide enough power points.)
Diamonds: Reduced duration: Reduce the duration by half. No duration advantages are gained from Full House or higher hands. For Hexes with a duration of ‘Concentration', the Huckster must Concentrate and each minute of duration costs a power point.
Hearts: Reduced quantity: For hexes with an area of effect, a large burst template becomes a small burst template instead, and a small Burst template only affects one target. For hexes that specify a number of targets, half of the targets (determine randomly) are unaffected. For hexes with only one target, instead reduce the hand rank by two.
Spades: Reduced range: For hexes with a range, reduce range by half. If the hex was targeted at a place or person now outside of range, the Huckster may make a Smarts roll (at -4). If successful, the Huckster can choose to have the hex go off closer at the new location (possibly harmlessly, possibly not), or abort the hex. On a failure, the hex goes off at the new maximum range. For hexes with a purely personal effect, instead simply reduce the hand rank by two.
Four: Spiritual Interference
The hex works, but the manitou is able to create some side effects. All affects are in a radius of 5 yards, times the huckster's Spellcasting die type, centered on the Huckster, and moving with her as she moves. Each backlash specifies a duration- use this or the duration of the hex, whichever is longer. In the case of a truly permanent hex, the Marshall is encouraged to have the side effects located on the area of the hex, not the huckster.
Clubs: Undead Interference. For one minute (10 rounds), all undead in the area (including Harrowed), get a +2 to all rolls. Any Harrowed in the area make an immediate Dominion roll (without the bonus). Any undead in the area can feel the sudden burst of power. Any manitou in a harrowed is likely to try and gain control of its host.
Diamonds: Dark Interference: For one minute (10 rounds), all Spellcasting and Faith: Black Magic rolls suffer a -2, as do any other arcane abilities that are based on evil power rather than good. Constant special abilities are unaffected. Hucksters might not immediately know what's going on, but black magic users can usually figure out what's happening- and who's responsible.
Hearts: Spirit World Interference- For one minute (10 rounds), the manitou is able to shut out powers of good just a little bit. All Faith rolls to activate Blessed miracles or Voodoo favors suffer a -2, and shaman Tribal Medicine rolls suffer the same penalty. At the Marshall's discretion, certain special abilities, like Knacks, might require a Spirit roll to activate.
Spades: Technological interference. The manitou exhibits some gremlin like tendencies. For one hour, any gizmo within the given radius of the huckster malfunctions on a roll of a 1 or 2 on the skill die, instead of a 1. Even normal items aren't safe, and if a 1 is rolled on the skill die, it malfunctions somehow, the exact results of which are up to the Marshall.
Five: Challenge
Something bad happens to the huckster. If she manages to keep her cool in the face of danger, she can still pull the hex off.
Clubs: Glimpse of the Hunting Grounds. Huckster must make a Guts check. On a failure, roll/draw on the Fear Table, and the hex fails.
Diamonds: Huckster must make a Vigor check. If she fails, the hex fails, and she's stunned.
Hearts: Huckster gains a Fatigue level. If he loses conciousness, the hex fails. The Fatigue level comes back after 15 minutes of rest.
Spades: Huckster loses 1d6 power points. If the Huckster doesn't have enough power points, the Hex Fails.
Six: Taint
Hex suceeds, but the effects are tainted somehow.
Clubs: Obvious effect- the huckster is clearly and obviously channeling evil magic. Soul blasts create obvious black energy, spells centered on the caster bathe him in unholy light or flames, etc.
Diamonds: For the duration of the hex, or 1 hour, whichever is longer, the local fear level is increased by 1.
Hearts: Dual effect. Hex also has the effect of another hex (possibly one the huckster knows) at the same hand rank. Offensive spells give the target some bonus (perhaps a Boost.) Defensive spells harm the recipient.
Spades: Can't stop casting! The hex goes off, but afterwards, on every action the huckster must make a Spirit roll (at a -2), or find himself forced to cast another hex (huckster's choice). Once the spirit roll is made, the huckster is fine.
Seven Complication
Hex succeeds, but there's issues.
Clubs: Huckster loses 1d6 Power Points.
Diamonds: Hex doesn't suceed quite yet. Huckster finishes casting on his next action, with sucessful hex effect.
Hearts: Caster begins bleeding profusely from the palm of the hand. He suffers a Fatigue level, and suffers another one every minute until the bleeding is stopped, which requires a Medicine roll. These Fatigue levels come back every 15 minutes with rest.
Spades: Huckster takes 2d6 damage. Unless this would put the Huckster out, this damage can't be soaked.
Eight: Failure
Hex fails, and something else happens.
Clubs: Double failure. The manitou sticks around for an hour, waiting for a chance to mess the huckster up again. Once during that hour, the manitou can cause any hex cast by the huckster (or even a nearby huckster) to fail (but not Backlash). The manitou decides after the roll and draw are made.
Diamonds: Power Drain: The Manitou feeds off the huckster's energy. The huckster loses 2d4 Power Points.
Hearts: Clouded. Huckster is -2 to all actions for the next minute (10 rounds).
Spades: Blast of Evil. Huckster takes 3d6 damage.
Nine: Twisted Effects
Hex succeeds, but the effects aren't what they were supposed to be.
Clubs: Different Effect: The hex succeeds, but it's a different hex. Choose another hex randomly off the huckster's list of powers, or even one she doesn't know. Keep the target the same if you can. Use the same hand level.
Diamonds: Reversal. Healing hexes injure, combat hexes heal, et cetera. Use the same hand level.
Hearts: Target Swap. Hex targets someone else, manitou's choice.
Spades: Big Reversal. Healing hexes injure, combat hexes heal, et cetera. Use the next highest hand level.
Ten: Exciting Failure
Hex fails. The manitou uses the hex energy to do something else.
Clubs: Fear blast. Everyone within a radius of 5 yards times the huckster's Spellcasting die type has to make a Guts check, or roll/draw on the Fear table.
Diamonds: Harrowing Situation: Either the nearest 1d6 corpses become walking dead (and there's always some, somewhere), or one nearby corpse is coming back Harrowed (draw for spirit normally). The manitou might stick around in the hunting grounds a while to wait for suitable bodies to pile up if a combat is going on.
Hearts: Confusion. The manitou clouds the minds of everyone in the area (radius of 5 yards times the huckster's Spellcasting die type.) All those within range are Shaken, and then have a penalty of -2 to all rolls for one minute (10 rounds).
Spades: Hellfire. There's a fiery explosion centered on the huckster. 4d6 damage to anyone within a Large Burst template.
Jack: Price
The hex may succeed, but it has a cost to it. The huckster is aware of the price (at least the general price, not the specifics), and may choose to abort the hex to avoid the price.
Clubs: Payment in Blood. If the Huckster consents, one of his nearby allies takes 4d6 damage. The source of the damage is not obvious.
Diamonds: Marked. If the Huckster consents, a visible sign of the manitou's passing forms on the huckster's body. It is typically small and someplace that could draw attention but not always (hand, neck or wrist most often, but occasionally others.) It's usually a clear sign of demonic activity- such as a pentagram, or the number 666.
Hearts: Fated. If the Huckster consents, the Marshall gets to draw three chips from the pot.
Spades: Cursed. If the Huckster consents, Huckster temporarliy gains a Major Hindrance of the Marshall's choice. At the start of each session, he can make a Spirit roll at -2 to shake the Hindrance off.
Queen: Wrath
Hex fails. Huckster gets smacked down by the manitou.
Clubs: Full Sight of the Hunting Grounds. Huckster must make a Guts check, with a -4 penalty! On a failure, draw/roll on the Fear table.
Diamonds: Huckster is stunned for 1d6 rounds.
Hearts: Huckster must make a Vigor roll or be incapacitated. Even on a success, the character takes a level of Fatigue, which can be regained after 15 minutes of rest.
Spades: Huckster takes 5d6 damage.
King: Enter the Manitou
Hex Succeeds. The manitou uses the huckster as a gateway to enter and influence the physical world, perhaps to possess someone or something.
Clubs: Possession Possession. Some item owned by the huckster is possessed and cursed by the manitou. Exact effect is up to the Marshall. Maybe the item now gives the owner the Bad Luck hindrance, or has some sort of Taint, similar to those of many relics. Or maybe the item now has a 'mind of it's own'. The curse is permanent, but a blessed or shaman might be able to exorcise the manitou.
Diamonds: Animal Possession. The closest animal is possessed by the manitou and begins working to do evil on Earth. The possession is permanent and total on most animals. An animal that is an Animal Companion might be allowed to have Dominion like a Harrowed instead of being completely lost.
Hearts: Personal Possession. The manitou possesses the nearest person- or the huckster, if no one is readily available. The character now has a Dominion score like a Harrowed, and the Manitou can take control, just like for Harrowed. If the human ever gains full (+4) dominion, the manitou is cast out.
Spades: Manifestation. The manitou gains physical form and starts wreaking havoc. Use the stats for Demons, or another abomination of the Marshall's choice. The manitou can only stick around for 24 hours before it is sucked back into the Hunting Grounds.
Ace: Major Manitou
The Manitou the Huckster called is a major player in the Hunting Grounds. Bad things are about to happen to the Huckster and everyone around him.
Clubs: War Manitou. Hex fails, unless it was a damaging hex. For one hour, the Huckster is possessed by a Manitou, who makes it his goal to cause lots of chaos and carnage. (The Manitous like having hucksters around, so it doesn't necessarily want to kill its unfortunate host.)
Diamonds: Pestilence Manitou- Hex fails, unless it was going to make someone sicken or have a non-damage related health problem. (Like a Lower Trait, perhaps) The huckster and anyone in a radius (5 yards times spellcasting die type) must make a Vigor check (with a -4 penalty). On a success, the character has Ailin' (Minor). On a failure, the character has Ailin (Major). This isn't permanent- at the start of any session, an affected character may make a Vigor roll, and if it's successful with a raise, the hindrance is reduced in value by one stage.
Hearts: Famine Manitou- Hex fails, unless it was used to destroy a food source, or cause hunger. (Hunger Pangs and Parch will both work. A hex that creates fire will work if there's crops in the area of effect, even if they aren't the target.) Everyone within range (5 yards times spellcasting die type) becomes hungry- very hungry, and has to make a Vigor check. On a success, with a raise, there's no ill effects. With a success, the character takes one fatigue level, with a failure, he takes two, and snake eyes gives him three! Treat these as being caused by starvation for purposes of recovery.
Spades: Death Manitou- Hex fails, unless it was being used to hasten someone else's death. Everyone within range (5 yards times spellcasting die type) of the Huckster takes 1 Wound. This kills extras.
Joker: Marshall's Call
The Manitou does something powerful, and something sure to hurt the huckster and his friends. If you're in the middle of a combat, pick one of the aces and just keep going. Otherwise, this is the chance to come up with something unique and painful.

Deadlands Reloaded Harrowed Coup Ability Points

Deadlands Reloaded Harrowed Coup Ability

Deadlands Reloaded Harrowed Coup Ability Level

So if a harrowed hexslinger has coup'd a certain creature. You gain the ability to take its gun and it works like a basic revolver (2d6+1 rof1 ap1) but it never needs to reload in hands of harrowed. Let's assume the pc is shooting d12+4 (profession + expert, and imp trademark weapon) How many shots could be made? Trc file viewer. Deadlands Reloaded Harrowed Coup Ability - coolaup. Deadlands is something of a hybrid system. Better bodies mod sims 4. The basic character generation process is a classless, skills-based system. Whether a character is a gunfighter or a thief depends on which skills the player picks and emphasizes. Is a verizon phone unlocked. Anytime organizer torrent download.

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